Work and Thrive Central Customer Registration Form

Please fill in your details below, and one of our team will be in touch shortly. If you have any problems, ring us on 0191 2774125, or email us at:

Forename must be provided
Surname must be provided
Gender must be provided
Ethnic Origin must be provided
Date of Birth must be provided
Mobile Number must be provided
Address Line 1 must be provided
Postcode must be provided
Email must be provided
Employment Status must be provided  Select only one Employment Status 
Are you a YHN tenant? must be provided  Select only one Are you a YHN tenant? 
If selected press tab to add details
Do you Require Business Support? must be provided  Select only one Do you Require Business Support? 
If selected press tab to add details
How did you hear about us?

* Data Protection Notes

Declaration and Consent
Work and Thrive Central needs your consent to share relevant personal information about you; this is so we can make referrals to our Partners for the purposes of help/services that may be available to you. Partners include Newcastle Futures, Newcastle Careers Team, National Careers Service, Making A Difference, JET, Newcastle City Council Supported Employment, Groundwork, Jobcentre Plus, Newcastle City Learning. This list is not exhaustive and more information about these partners can be found by going to:
Due to Partner funding arrangements, we need to collect this data to satisfy the criteria of accessing the funds. If we do not hold this consent from our customers, we may not be able to offer all the services available.
The information will be stored securely by Work and Thrive Central (Newcastle City Council) and will only be used for the specific purposes as detailed below. Personal details will be held on a secure central Hanlon database run by and overseen by Newcastle City Council and Newcastle Futures and with your permission, can be shared with other Hanlon users (Only organisations registered as Hanlon users).
This information will only be used or shared for the following purposes:
• To help our Partners provide you with relevant advice and support in relation to getting back to work.
• To help our Partners to encourage you to access the support and advice they provide, or that is available to you.
• To help the Work and Thrive Central adviser to support you by discussing your needs, and to identify the best organisation to help you
• For evaluation and research purposes
• To measure whether this initiative is successful or not

Newcastle City Council’s Privacy Notice can be found at

This is the consent:
I authorise Work and Thrive Central and Partners to use the personal details I have provided for the reasons outlined above only. I also understand that if any information is given to any other organisation for research and monitoring purposes that I will not be identified. I understand that I can withdraw my consent to the sharing of information at any time.
I understand this service is voluntary and give my consent for my personal details to be held on a secure database and used by Work and Thrive Central to confirm my identity and be released to employers, funders, Partners and referral organisations where it is necessary in the interests of increasing my employment prospects. My personal information may be used for the purpose of information management and external audit requirements by the organisation collecting the data or any organisation with whom the data has been shared. My personal details will be inputted into the Hanlon database by Newcastle City Council and Newcastle Futures employees for this purpose. My details will be destroyed no later than 6 years from not using the service. Where a Partner is required to retain my details longer due to funding requirements a separate consent will be signed. I understand that I can find out more information by referring to the Work and Thrive Central Privacy Notice which I can obtain by emailing
I may request a copy of this consent form and I understand that I can withdraw this consent at any time by contacting Work and Thrive Central on 0191 277 4125 or by emailing
Do you agree to the data protection terms and conditions?
Date: ......................... Signed: .......................................
Date: ......................... Signed: .......................................